Dupa prezentarea melodiei Hate Train zilele trecute, Metallica a lansat inca o piesa compusa pentru discul Death Magnetic, dar care nu a mai fost inclusa in cele din urma pe album. Cantecul a fost interpretat in premiera miercuri, cu ocazia celui de-al doilea concert aniversar sustinut de trupa in San Francisco, la implinirea a 30 de ani de existenta, scrie blabbermouth.net.

Metallica, Montreal 2009Foto: USER UPLOADED
  • Vezi mai jos versurile piesei Just A Bullet Away.
  • Luna aceasta, Metallica a mai lansat piesa Hate Train si videoclipul melodiei The View (colaborare cu Lou Reed)
  • Zilele acestea, trupa sarbatoreste 30 de ani de existenta, prin patru concerte sustinute in San Francisco
  • Formatia va sustine in 2012 un turneu in Europa
  • Turneul european va avea loc mai devreme decat fusese programat initial, pentru a evita tulburarile cauzate de problemele monedei euro

O varianta nefinalizata a piesei a fost trimisa pe email tuturor membrilor fanclubului Metallica. Mai jos puteti asculta varianta live a piesei. Trupa a procedat la fel si la inceputul saptamanii, cand le-a oferit fanilor melodia Hate Train. Detalii aici.

Metallica a mai lansat luna aceasta si un videoclip alaturi de Lou Reed (Velvet Underground), pentru piesa The View. Melodia este inclusa pe discul Lulu, despre care James Hetfield a declarat ca NU trebuie considerat "noul album Metallica". Materialul nu a fost bine primit de fanii Metallica, Lulu fiind catalogat drept una dintre marile dezamagiri din istoria muzicii. Detalii aici.

In decembrie 2011, Metallica implineste 30 de ani de existenta. Momentul este sarbatorit prin patru concerte sustinute la Filmore (San Francisco), doar pentru membrii fan clubului Metallica. Primul spectacol a beneficiat de prezenta celor de la Apocalyptica.

In 2012, Metallica va sustine un turneu in Europa, desi initial ar fi trebuit sa cante abia in 2013. Motivul devansarii turneului: criza monedei euro. O masura similara a fost luata si de Red Hot Chili Pepper (se stie ca cele doua trupe au acelasi impresar). Detalii aici.

Metallica - "Just A Bullet Away" (versuri)

"All roads they lead to shame

All drowning in the blame

All reflections look the same

In the shine of the midnight revolver

All hide beneath a skin

A hope so paper thin

I'm at the door again

And the shine of the midnight revolver

Even the promise of danger has gone dull

Staring down the barrel of a 45

Suck on the barrel

Suck on the barrel

Suck it 'til it's gone dry

For all reflections look the same

In the shine of the midnight revolver

Redemption purify

Will nothing satisfy

The scars just multiply

In the shine of the midnight revolver

Twisting in apocalypse

Death upon the fingertips

Frigid metal touches lips

And the shine of the midnight revolver

'Cause you lied

Just a bullet away

Just a bullet away from leavin' you

Just a bullet away

Stop the voices in my head

Caressing death again

Becomes the heroin

Forbidden medicine

Puts a shine on the midnight revolver

Eternal borderline

All the faces intertwine

Oh God... now I see mine

In the shine of the midnight revolver

Even the promise of danger has gone dull

Staring down the barrel of a 45

Suck on the barrel

Suck on the barrel

Suck... suck till it's dry

For all reflections look the same

In the shine of the midnight revolver

Down In Misery

Down In Misery

Just a bullet away

Just a bullet away from leavin' you

Just a bullet away

Stop the voices in my head

All roads they lead to shame

All drowning in the blame

Reflections look the same

In the shine of the midnight revolver

All hide beneath a skin

A hope so paper thin

I'm at the door again

And the shine of the midnight revolver

Even the promise of danger has gone dull

Staring down the barrel of a 45

Suck on the barrel

Suck on the barrel

Suck... suck till it's dry

Do all reflections look the same

In the shine of the midnight revolver

'Cause you lied

Yes you lied

Just a bullet away

Just a bullet away from leavin' you

Just a bullet away

Stop the voices in my head"