Snoop Lion (ex Snoop Dogg) afirma ca fumeaza 81 de tigari de marijuana pe zi, intr-un chat cu fanii ocazionat de prima zi de legalizare a acestui drog in Washington, Statele Unite, in data de 6 decembrie, scrie Huffington Post.

Snoop DoggFoto: YouTube

Acesta a precizat ca cel mai mult a reusit sa nu fumeze marijuana timp de 164 de zile.

Reamintim ca, la alegerile prezidentiale din noiembrie, Colorado (vest ) si statul Washington (nord-vest) au devenit primele state americane care au legalizat consumul de canabis in scopuri recreative.

Iata mai jos o parte a dialogului purtat de acesta cu fanii sai: (raspunsurile rapperului, bolduite)

  • StongBad: What's the longest you've gone without smoking?
  • 164 days
  • shagadelik: Do you roll your own blunts or are they rolled for you?
  • both
  • avenx: What was it like working with Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson in Starsky & Hutch?
  • Those cats can smoke uhearme
  • Shalom86: Who's better at smoking weed, Dave Chapelle or Dr. Dre?
  • Dave chappelle!
  • martzzz: Are you always high before concerts/recordings?
  • yessir
  • March1989: I've heard that you've said Willie Nelson is the only person who has outsmoked you. Is this true?
  • Willie is 1 of tha greatest to do it!! Smokn n music
  • spookyjack123: Do you believe in the taxation of Mary Jane with legalization, or would you prefer to see it have little to no taxes ?
  • Legalize it n if that means tax it then do it
  • On average, how much do you smoke in a week?
  • 81 blunts a day x 7