Reggae, pop, muzica traditionala irlandeza si versuri cu un puternic mesaj social sau religios s-au auzit pe 11 iunie, la Arenele Romane din Bucuresti. Ajutata de Steven Cooney si Kieran Kiely, Sinead O'Connor a sustinut, vreme de o ora si jumatate, un concert acustic in fata a 1500 de fani. "Am fost impresionat de faptul ca publicul a cantat alaturi de noi - cred ca romanii sunt poate cel mai cald public intalnit in acest turneu", spunea chitaristul Steven Cooney, la finalul spectacolului.

"Cei care se asteapta la o Sinead O'Connor de la inceputul anilor 90 si se vor duce la concert vor avea o mare dezamagire. Noua Sinead O'Connor nu are nimic in comun cu acea perioada, canta mai mult acustic iar piesele nu sunt hituri. O spun ca sa stiti la ce va asteptati si sa nu va plictisiti. Ideea e ca nu are o muzica usoara", spunea, de curand, un roman care aflase de venirea lui Sinead O'Connor la Bucuresti.

These are dangerous days To say what you feel is to dig your own grave. "Remember what I told you. If you were of the world, they would love you"

Sinead O'Connor

Intr-adevar, Sinead O'Connor nu mai este persoana rebela de acum 20 de ani, dar si-a pastrat mesajul puternic protestatar. Cum a demonstrat si in cadrul concertului din Capitala, muzica ei nu este "usoara" (simplista), ci simpla, cu un mesaj usor transmisibil catre public, in ciuda frazelor pline de poezie si de idei filozofice. Oricum am privi lucrurile, muzica irlandezei nu este, in nici un caz, plictisitoare.

“This is going to be a very gentle and quiet set”, a anuntat Sinead, inca de la inceputul concertului. Desculta, modesta, deosebit de calma, a inceput cu piese ca The Emperor's New Clothes, I Am Stretched On Your Gravesi You Made Me The Thief Of Your Heart.

The Lamb's Book Of Life ne-a vorbit despre problemele din Irlanda: "Out of Ireland I have come/ Great hatred and little room", "But if we listen to the Rasta man/ He can show us how it can be done/ To live in peace and live as one/ Get our names back in The Book Of Life Of The Lamb".

Don’t hate me because the sun has darkened me

Sinead O'Connor

Spiritul de revolta al artistei a reiesit si din piesa ca Something Beautiful ("They dress the wounds of my poor people/ As though they're nothing/ Saying "peace, peace"/ When there's no peace"), Dark I Am Yet Lovely ("Don’t hate me because the sun has darkened me"), What Does't Belong To Me ("Take back what doesn't belong to me/ Take back the shame you gave me", "I'm Irish, I'm English/ I'm Moslem, I'm Jewish/ I'm a girl, I'm a boy/ And the Goddess meant for me only joy"), dar mai ales Black Boys on Mopeds ("England's not the mythical land of Madame George and roses/ It's the home of police who kill black boys on mopeds/ And I love my boy and that's why I'm leaving/ I don't want him to be aware that there's any such thing as grieving", "I've said this before now/

You said I was childish and you'll say it now/ Remember what I told you/ If they hated me, they will hate you").

Never Get Old a vorbit despre faptul ca muzica este "the only thing that never gets old". "Young woman with a drink in her hand/ She likes to listen to rock and roll/ She moves with the music / 'Cause it never gets old".

Thank you for silence with me

Sinead O'Connor

Nu a lipsit Nothing Compares 2 U, cel mai cunoscut cantec al artistei, dar poate cea mai bine primita piesa a serii a fost Downpressor Man, cantec raggae creat de Peter Tosh: "If you run to the sea/ The sea will be boiling", "If you run to the rocks/ The rocks will be melting", "And if you make your bed in hell/ I will be there".

Cantate ca bis, This Is To Mother You si Psalm 33 au incercat sa aduca linistea pentru cele 1500 de suflete prezente la spectacol: "All your unhappiness/ I will take away with my kiss", ne-a promis Sinead. "Sing, oh you, righteous to the Lord".


1. The Emperor's New Clothes

2. I Am Stretched On Your Grave

3. You Made Me The Thief Of Your Heart

4. The Lamb's Book Of Life

5. Never Get Old

6. Something Beautiful

7. Three Babies

8. Dark I Am Yet Lovely

9. Black Boys on Mopeds

10. What Does't Belong To Me

11. Whomsoever Dwells

12. Nothing Compares 2 U

13. Downpressor Man

14. Thank You For Hearing Me

15. The Last Day Of Our Acquaintance

16. This Is To Mother You

17. Psalm 33