Trupa Zdob si Zdub va reprezenta Moldova la concursul Eurovision, care se va desfasura in luna mai, la Dusseldorf (Germania), arata site-ul Melodia "So Lucky!" a fost scrisa in orasele Chisinau, Berlin si New-York.

Zdob si ZdubFoto:

Pe locul doi in cadrul finalei nationale s-a clasat Natalia Barbu, cu piesa "Let's Jazz", fiind urmata de Pasha Parfeny, cu "Dorule".

"Versurile pentru acest cantect au fost scrise la Chisinau, Berlin, New-York. Eu si Mihai am inceput procesul la Chisinau, a continuat Marc - producatorul albumului nostru berlinez, iar Andy a terminat prin mahalalele New-York-ului", a scris Roman Yagupov pe site-ul formatiei.

"Piesa a fost compusa in cele mai bune traditii ale rock-n-roll-ului, in drum, in cateva minute, iar apoi prelucrata impreuna cu toti membrii trupei. Acum acest fapt suna amuzant, dar piesa a inceput cu un motiv inspirat de Sofia Rotaru. Dar cu timpul el (subiectul) a evoluat... Acum expresia "So Lucky" a devenit o forma de salut pentru noi. Ciao! So Lucky!"

Este pentru a doua oara cand Zdob si Zdub reprezinta Republica Moldova la Eurovision, formatia clasandu-se pe locul 6 la editia din 2005, cu piesa "Boonika bate toba". Este cel mai bun rezultat obtinut de Moldova in cele sase participari ale sale in cadrul celebrului concurs.

So Lucky


Ray ban glasses,

I move with ease

In my convertible breeze.


whiskey on the rocks

life on the top

my party never stops!


A dusk to dawn sinner

Love traded in for lust

It's emotions I don't trust

On top

The cream of the crop

You know I love to rock

The fun will never stop

You see

It's all about me

The servants and the king

I'm the ruler of the world

A tug

She pulls me like a drug

I want her on the rug

But she's not that kind of girl


I see you where the lights glow

You pull me in your private side show

And now I see your moves in slowmo

I try to kiss you, but you slip away

Yet you never walk away from me

Are you a shadow of what might be?

Why should one woman stand above the rest?

There is a mystery to you deep beneath the flesh!

Those eyes pulling me in.

A body made to sin.

But I can not win.


I'm ready at the gate.

Don't tell me it's too late.

Her fire starts to melt my heart.

She's clean.

Not part of any scene.

She's more like a dream

I don't want to wake up from!

I see,

She's somehow changing me.

She's where I want to be.

Can't stand a moment without her



I see you where the lights glow

You pull me in your private side show

And now I see your moves in slowmo

I try to kiss you, but you slip away

Yet you never walk away from me

Are you a shadow of what might be?

Why should one woman stand above the rest?

There is a mystery to you deep beneath the flesh!